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The Women of Refuge is a ministry that aims to bring women of all ages together in fellowship with one another and bring them to a closer relationship with Christ so they can become the women God has planned for them in all relationships.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Teacher Personal Goals

Personal Growth Goals:
*Personal-Spend more time creating lesson plans that will help make my lessons fun and engaging. I would like to utilize more active learning strategies and utilize more technology in the classroom.

*Professional-Check for understanding before we move to another topic; allow my students to utilize higher level thinking activities; take more staff developments and workshops that will help improve my teaching skills.

Professional Growth Measurable Activities:
*Personal-Plan more time to sit down and think about my lesson plans and research new ways to teach certain topics; discuss ideas and brainstorm with my peers who can give me other suggestions.

*Professional-Pop quiz my students over something we just discussed either verbally or by paper; meet with my peers after school or on my conference to come up with more ideas on teaching lessons.

Professional Growth Assessment and Evaluation:
*Personal-Exciting lesson plans that will keep my students engaged and excited about learning; ask students which strategy they liked the best and repeat that activity.

*Professional-Research workshops and staff development classes that I can take and utilize what I learn in those classes to create awesome lesson plans and make me a better teacher.