Who Am I:
I am a native born Arkansan that moved to Texas in 1997. I graduated from Eastfield College with an Associates of Arts Degree and I graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology. Through the years of living in Texas I find that I am less homesick for Arkansas and more grounded in Texas. My parents both were born and raised in Arkansas and both received their Bachelors degree in Arkansas. They were never able to go back to work on their Masters so I will be the first one in my family to get a Masters. Receiving a Masters degree has always been a dream of mine that I never thought would come true. When I was hired in Mesquite ISD, I remember sitting with one of the personnel directors while he explained to me that all Mesquite ISD teachers must receive their Masters in 10 years. I remember thinking to myself that I would probably not get my Masters so I can work in Mesquite ISD for 10 years and then move on to another district. It wasn't until I heard about the Cohort Program that my dream became closer to a reality. I decided that the Cohort Program was too good of an offer to pass up. It has allowed me to work on my Masters without having to meet every other night and give up with my schedule at home. By receiving my Masters I hope to become a better teacher. A teacher that can almost solve every problem ranging from academics to discipline. A teacher that will have a classroom that is ever changing with the world to keep up with the latest technology and the trends of my students.
What Is Educational Technology:
Integrating technological tools and resources for students to learn using a more hands on approach. It can also be defined as a way to facilitate learning in a way that improves performance of students by encouraging imagination and the use of more hands on technological resources. Technology is also a way to use tools to help students stretch their minds and advance their learning in a way that will prepare them for what lies ahead of them once they step out of our school doors.
My Expectations:
My expectations for this class is to learn and implement new computer skills that will bring my classroom into the 21st century.
Technological Skills I Want to Learn:
Powerpoints (embed videos, sound, etc.)
Classroom website that my students and parents can use
Online gradebooks for parents
Publisher (to create brochures for student projects)
Informator of Technology:
One of my main goals is to maintain a fun and interactive classroom. To have a classroom that shows evidence of students engaged into lessons through the use of technology. As an informator of technology my goal is to make sure my students are engaged through the use of technology.
Price of technology
Not enough funds for the SPED Dept to purchase many technological devices
Availability of a computer lab when I need it for my students
Work orders not being filled fast enough to fix computers
Lack of knowledge, on my part, of what technology is out there
Unavailability of students access to computers at home
Reflection of the Videos:
After viewing the videos in class I realized that this generation is way more advanced in technology than my generation was 11 years ago when I was a student. The worksheets and book work that I did as a student was appropriate for that time, but now those things just aren't appropriate for our growing technological generation. They are able to do things as teenagers that I am still trying to figure out as an adult and an educator. I have to incorporate technology in the classroom more often so my students don't lose interest. As the technological world discovers ways to get my students' attention, I have to compete to keep that attention in my classroom. They are always up to speed with the latest technological equipment and what was new then is old by the time I figure it out. I need to allow my students to teach me new things just like I need to teach them new things.

- Women of Refuge
- The Women of Refuge is a ministry that aims to bring women of all ages together in fellowship with one another and bring them to a closer relationship with Christ so they can become the women God has planned for them in all relationships.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
ETEC 597 Journaling Assignment #1
Posted by Women of Refuge at 9:09 PM
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