Cooperative learning is one strategy that I use in my classroom on a regular basis. I decided to create a heterogeneous group for the next cooperative learning assignments I assign. I usually allow my students to create their own groups which I have found tends to lead to more socializing. I also noticed that my higher performing students would pair up and my lower performing students would pair up in groups.
So What?
The statistics involving the success rates of the lower performing student groups versus the higher performing groups was an eye opener to me. I had never considered the negative effects in allowing my students to determine their own groups. I decided to create the cooperative learning groups myself. In my US History class I have exactly 12 students. I figured I would split my groups into 3 groups of four students since the statistics revealed groups of 3-4 students had a +9% success rate. I looked down my gradebook and noticed that I had 3 students who currently had an A in the class. I separated them and put each in their own group. I then began looking at my B, C, and F students then split them up between the 3 groups. I had 4 students who were currently failing so I put 2 of the F students in the group with the person who was making the highest A average to make it more even. I was a little weary about splitting the groups the way I did considering that my A students usually don't associate with the F students since they tend to be the students who are always in the office. However, as I monitored their groups I noticed that they were all working together to come up with the correct answers. I was amazed to discover that the cooperative learning groups I created seemed to be functioning well. Once they completed their assignments I had them return back to their seats. Then I decided to have a debriefing to reflect on how they felt about their groups. Surprisingly, I had students that mentioned they enjoyed working with their groups. The higher performing students mentioned that they enjoyed being able to help other students because it made them feel like the teacher. They also mentioned it gave them a chance to get to know other students in the class they wouldn't associate with normally.
Now What?
Since the heterogeneous cooperative learning groups were so successful I plan to always arrange my groups that way. When I graded their work each student performed better. They were also able to explain to me what they learned from the assignment. I plan to include more cooperative learning projects into my lesson planning since it appears that peers can sometimes teach better than the teacher. The students enjoyed it and it prevented them from asking me a million questions regarding the work. They were able to ask their peers questions which made it easier on me. They were able to solve the problems on their own within their groups.

- Women of Refuge
- The Women of Refuge is a ministry that aims to bring women of all ages together in fellowship with one another and bring them to a closer relationship with Christ so they can become the women God has planned for them in all relationships.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Strategy Reflection #6 Cooperative Learning
Posted by Women of Refuge at 8:56 PM
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